Friday, July 1, 2016

Friday the First

Day Three.
What can I say for this beautiful Friday that's been given to us?
Three things: one question, one connection, one suggestion.

One question: Can I continue using developmentally appropriate practice without burning out?
     It takes a lot of time, energy, and attention to hold the attention of 5+ children. The animal box was "open" (the term that the lead teachers use to describe which set of toys can be played with at a time) and the kids were just being kids...of course, what would be your first instinct when tons of new toys are dumped on the floor in front of you? This not taking into account that all of your friends are around to play, too. Needless to say, the littles were interested...some for longer seconds than others. When it had gotten a little more chaotic, and the kids a little more distracted by other toys that, they were to be told, were "not open", I decided to close off the "not open" toys by shoving the shelf. I gathered the kiddos 'round and played an impromptu game of "This is the noise this animal makes and it goes "neigh! neigh! neigh!" to name of child."
   I got into the swing of this game, but it still took some energy out of me!

One connection:
   I want to get to know the other lead teachers. On a human-adult-relationship that I can be more personal to them and them to that I feel less like a stranger and more like a coworker.

One suggestion:
    Bring a couple tissues when the kids play outside. Cole, our friend who is visually-impaired, tends to have a very boogery nose outside...and all the that I think about it.

**Portable tissues!**
Kleenex, you are genious! "Handy Packs" indeed!

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